POST api/Acounting/SaveSalesOrder

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "entity": {
    "Id": 1,
    "QuotationId": 1,
    "InvoiceId": 1,
    "LinkedWithInvoice": true,
    "SupplierInvoiceId": 1,
    "StatusId": 3,
    "Code": "sample string 4",
    "Title": "sample string 5",
    "Date": "2025-03-14T08:34:08.6691513+02:00",
    "TotalPrice": 7.0,
    "DownPaymentPercenrage": 8.0,
    "DownPaymentValue": 9.0,
    "DiscountPercenrage": 10.0,
    "DiscountValue": 11.0,
    "NetValue": 12.0,
    "VAT": 13.0,
    "VATValue": 14.0,
    "TotalAfterVAT": 15.0,
    "SupplierId": 1,
    "SupplierCommissionRate": 1.0,
    "Description": "sample string 16",
    "CustomerId": 1,
    "ContactId": 1,
    "ProjectId": 1,
    "GroupId": 1,
    "StockId": 1,
    "FinancialApproval": 1,
    "SalesApproval": 1,
    "FinancialApprovalComment": "sample string 17",
    "SalesApprovalComment": "sample string 18",
    "FinancialApprovalDate": "2025-03-14T08:34:08.6691513+02:00",
    "SalesApprovalDate": "2025-03-14T08:34:08.6691513+02:00",
    "IssueNoteRequestId": 1,
    "TaxTypeId": 1,
    "PaymentTypeId": 1,
    "DeliverySupplierId": 1,
    "DeliveryEmployeeId": 1,
    "DeliveryValue": 1.0,
    "ColorGuideId": 19,
    "CompanyId": 1,
    "SOCurrencyId": 1,
    "ReciptId": 1,
    "PaidReciptValue": 1.0,
    "QuotationCode": "sample string 20",
    "QuotationTitle": "sample string 21",
    "Remaining": 22.0,
    "Paid": 23.0,
    "InvoiceCode": "sample string 24",
    "Status": "sample string 25",
    "CreatedEmpId": 1,
    "CreatedDate": "2025-03-14T08:34:08.6691513+02:00",
    "UpdatedEmpId": 1,
    "UpdatedDate": "2025-03-14T08:34:08.6691513+02:00",
    "DeletedEmpId": 1,
    "DeletedDate": "2025-03-14T08:34:08.6691513+02:00",
    "IsDeleted": true
  "SalesOrderDetails": [
      "MasterId": 1,
      "ItemId": 2,
      "ProductId": 3,
      "UnitPrice": 1.0,
      "Quantity": 4.0,
      "Total": 5.0,
      "Description": "sample string 6",
      "ItemName": "sample string 7",
      "PriceListName": "sample string 8",
      "Id": 9
      "MasterId": 1,
      "ItemId": 2,
      "ProductId": 3,
      "UnitPrice": 1.0,
      "Quantity": 4.0,
      "Total": 5.0,
      "Description": "sample string 6",
      "ItemName": "sample string 7",
      "PriceListName": "sample string 8",
      "Id": 9
      "MasterId": 1,
      "ItemId": 2,
      "ProductId": 3,
      "UnitPrice": 1.0,
      "Quantity": 4.0,
      "Total": 5.0,
      "Description": "sample string 6",
      "ItemName": "sample string 7",
      "PriceListName": "sample string 8",
      "Id": 9
  "EmpId": 1,
  "Direction": "sample string 2",
  "Docs": [
      "FileName": "sample string 1",
      "Bytes": "QEBA"
      "FileName": "sample string 1",
      "Bytes": "QEBA"
      "FileName": "sample string 1",
      "Bytes": "QEBA"
  "ServerIP": "sample string 3",
  "InCT": "sample string 4"

application/xml, text/xml

<VM_SalesOrder xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Direction>sample string 2</Direction>
      <FileName>sample string 1</FileName>
      <FileName>sample string 1</FileName>
      <FileName>sample string 1</FileName>
  <InCT>sample string 4</InCT>
      <Description>sample string 6</Description>
      <ItemName>sample string 7</ItemName>
      <PriceListName>sample string 8</PriceListName>
      <Description>sample string 6</Description>
      <ItemName>sample string 7</ItemName>
      <PriceListName>sample string 8</PriceListName>
      <Description>sample string 6</Description>
      <ItemName>sample string 7</ItemName>
      <PriceListName>sample string 8</PriceListName>
  <ServerIP>sample string 3</ServerIP>
    <Code>sample string 4</Code>
    <Description>sample string 16</Description>
    <FinancialApprovalComment>sample string 17</FinancialApprovalComment>
    <InvoiceCode>sample string 24</InvoiceCode>
    <QuotationCode>sample string 20</QuotationCode>
    <QuotationTitle>sample string 21</QuotationTitle>
    <SalesApprovalComment>sample string 18</SalesApprovalComment>
    <Status>sample string 25</Status>
    <Title>sample string 5</Title>



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'VM_SalesOrder'.

Response Information

No documentation available.

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Result": true,
  "ErrorMessage": "sample string 2"

application/xml, text/xml

<GeneralErrors xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ErrorMessage>sample string 2</ErrorMessage>